Customer Support

Dedicated to User Success

Healthcare Registries provides seamless, coordinated care for enhanced patient outcomes. We bridge the gap between diagnostics, treatment, and ongoing patient monitoring, ensuring a cohesive care experience. By synchronizing patient data and care protocols, we empower eye care professionals to deliver comprehensive care that is both efficient and impactful. Explore how our approach to coordinated care can transform your patients’ experiences and elevate the standard of your practice.

Customer support requests for system errors or problems are uncommon because of the stability of our platform, but if they do occur, support requests are always addressed within 24 hours.

Registry users can contact Customer Support for functionality issues at any time. The registry follows a user-centered design process so that every user who desires can be included on our design team. All registry users are invited to attend our monthly meetings to discuss how to best utilize the analytics clinically to improve care and increase referrals. We welcome suggestions and modifications to make the analytics more valuable through a process of continual quality improvement.

Customer Support